You will only have to pay for the actual costs regarding the services you order – for example cleaning, laundry etc. We make sure to find the right people to do the job, and that everything is taken care of.
The first year after the apartment has been handed over; the service package is free of charge. If you wish to continue after the first year, the price is € 275 per year.
Our service department can also arrange all kind of maintenance, repair and alterations of your property. We are also supervising the property while the job is being done, and make sure that no unauthorized persons will have access to the property
We will help you to get your deed (TAPU) on your name. Tapu is the official document proving ownership of a property.
After you have decided to buy a property, we will help you to open a bank account in a local bank.
The purchaser gives us “power of attorney” which is authorizing us to carry out all formalities connected with your purchase on your behalf.
These are:
The property owner and the buyer sign a contract. This is an official contract. This document will have details of the payment conditions. Both parties go to the land registry office to get the deed. A sworn translator will be required at the registry office.
Other expenses
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